
Best Marketing And Advertising Companies

ProWave has partnered with the best marketing and advertising companies to ensure that you receive top-quality promotions, brand visibility, and strategic outreach that drive results.

Retargeting Marketing/Data Fencing

  • Retargeting works by using "cookies," small pieces of data stored by the web browser that track users who have previously visited your advertisement or webpage. Our marketing team then uses this cookie data to display relevant, targeted ads to users who have shown interest in the conditions you've highlighted, ensuring that the ads are seen by those most likely to benefit from your services.

Retargeting Marketing/Data Fencing

  • Both Behavioral and Contextual targeting are forms of targeted advertising that we use for our doctors to ensure their services reach the right audience. Behavioral targeting focuses on users' past online behaviors, such as their browsing history and interactions with related topics, to deliver ads based on their interests. Contextual targeting, on the other hand, displays ads based on the content the user is currently viewing, ensuring that the advertisement aligns with the context of the webpage or topic at hand. Together, these strategies help connect doctors with potential patients who are most likely to need their services.

  • With Behavioral targeting, advertisers define their target audience based on actions that consumers have taken, such as browsing history, search queries, or page visits. Retargeting is a common form of Behavioral targeting because it specifically targets people who have visited a webpage. For example, if someone visits a product page on a website, they may later see a display ad for the same product on another site, reminding them of the item they previously viewed. This strategy helps re-engage users and increase the likelihood of conversion.

  • With Contextual targeting, advertisers define their target audience based on the relevance of content on other sites. While it can be applied to Retargeting, advertisers often use Contextual targeting to extend their reach to potential customers who visit sites that feature content related to the advertiser’s website. This strategy has proven particularly effective for our ProWave therapy treatment, as it allows us to reach individuals who are already engaging with relevant topics and are more likely to be interested in our services.


Our team of professionals will provide comprehensive training for all settings related to each area of the body. You and your staff will have continuous access to assistance with protocols and guidelines, ensuring that you always have support when needed. Upon completion of the training, you and your team will receive certification, validating your expertise in administering the treatment.